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Take the Next Step: Email Marketing
Effective email marketing takes effort. Here are a few strategies for making the most of your email marketing campaigns.

Using Video to Market your Texas Longhorn Cattle: Let The Story Do The Marketing
Great marketing is essential, and you want to do everything you can to showcase what makes your herd unique. What can you do to stand out?

The Texas Longhorn: A Chapter in American History
The history of the Texas Longhorn is deeply rooted in American folklore, tradition, and symbolism. This amazing breed is as symbolic as ever.

Onondaga County Agriculture Council meet at Albanese Longhorns to Promote Local Farms and Businesses
Members of the Onondaga County Agriculture Council met at the Albanese Longhorns Farm on Thursday for their annual “Buy Local. Buy Onondaga Grown” campaign — a campaign designed to get the community to support their local farms and businesses.

Albanese Longhorns and Farm Store Featured on Syracuse News Channel 9
Farmers were needed during the pandemic when residents were out of work, and couldn’t afford food. Now some local farmers say it helped put them on the map.

Albanese Longhorns Host Kickoff Event for Onondaga Grown Campaign
A kickoff event was held at the Albanese Longhorns in Pompey, where McMahon, Agriculture Council CoChair and County Legislature Chairman David Knapp, and Executive Director of Cornell Cooperative Extension of Onondaga County David Skeval spoke about the many benefits of buying local.

Michael and Ellen Albanese Named Central New York Land Trust Conservationist of the Year
Michael and Ellen Albanese were recently named the 2020 recipient of the Central New York Land Trust Conservationists of the Year award. The award annually recognizes individuals and groups who exhibit dedication to exceptional conservation delivery, significant contribution and has proven to be a leader in their industry.

Country Folks Magazine Features Mike Albanese
“I love to talk to people about the cows. Anyone is always welcome. We’ll load them into the back of a pickup truck or hook up a hay wagon and drive them around to see the cows.”

Longhorn Beef: The Healthiest Choice
Texas Longhorn beef is the ideal beef choice for the health-conscious consumer. It is consistently superior to the Angus competitor in the fact it is genetically leaner. Longhorns marble excellent with a thin amount of waste back fat, which means the butcher does not typically have to trim as much fat from around the outside of the cut.
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Interested in owning a Texas Longhorn, purchasing beef directly from Whiskey Woods Ranch, or just want to stay updated on Ranch news? Reach out!