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Onondaga County Agriculture Council Meet at Albanese Longhorns Farm to Promote Local Farms and Businesses

The Onondaga County Agriculture Council met for their seventh year of their “Buy Local. Buy Onondaga Grown” campaign inside at Albanese Longhorns to support local farms and businesses.
As seen on Syracuse.com
Onondaga County Agriculture Council meet to promote local farms and businesses
By Michael Garcia | mgarcia@syracuse.com
Pompey, N.Y. — Members of the Onondaga County Agriculture Council met on Thursday for their annual “Buy Local. Buy Onondaga Grown” campaign — a campaign designed to get the community to support their local farms and businesses.
“Being new to this Onondaga Grown thing is more than I thought,” Mike Albanese, owner of Albanese Longhorns, said. “I think it’s important that we get that support from local people. That can spotlight local businesses, not only agriculture but small businesses.”
During last year’s kick-off, a lot of questions and concerns were raised about what was going to happen to local farms and businesses, Knapp said. Some dairy farms had to dump gallons of milk, while grocery stores had to put limits on how much customers could buy.
Ryan McMahon, Onondaga County executive, said one of the important lessons learned at the beginning of the pandemic was how important food security is. The biggest concern the council had was food supply chains and how they can continue to make sure the people in the community are fed.
“We are very lucky in this county to have a strong economy, the tenth-largest in the state, over $350 million of economic spending each year from those large employers,” McMahon said. “And it all comes down to the family farms.”
This is the seventh annual event that the Onondaga County Agriculture Council has held. The campaign started out as a way to promote local farms in Onondaga County by hosting events around the area for the community to participate.
The events that were announced this year were the Empire Farm Days and the 2021 ON Farm Fest.
The council announced that Empire Farm Days will be returning to the county after its 30-year absence. Empire Farm Days is an agricultural trade show, which will be held Aug. 2-4. Knapp said he expects to see an economic boost in the county through hotels and local businesses.
The Onondaga County Agriculture Council also unveiled the nine farms that are participating in the 2021 ON Farm Fest on Sep. 18. The farms that will be participating are:
- Whitetail Tree Farm
- Gridley’s Cold Spring Beef Farm
- Tyson Farm and Feed
- Navarino Orchard
- Tim’s Pumpkin Patch
- Emmi Farms
- Albanese Longhorns
- Barbland Dairy Farm
- Brady Farm
This will be a free event that will focus on educating the community on where their food comes from while promoting local farms and businesses. ON Farm Fest returns for its fifth year after being canceled last year due to the pandemic.
Albanese Longhorns is the new addition to the farms participating in the event. The farm, which is located right off of Route 20 near Pompey, had its first open house on June 26. Jason Hartline, Albanese’s son-in-law, said the farm saw over 250 guests.
“Which is great, because it just shows community support,” Hartline said. “They like what we are doing and people like Longhorns.”
You would normally find a Texas Longhorn — in Texas.
“Longhorns aren’t something you see every day in Central New York,” Knapp said.

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Texas Longhorns are what make Albanese Longhorns stand out from other farms. When will you see Texas Longhorns in Central New York?
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