A Texas Ranch built on Texas Heritage
Breeding Registered Texas Longhorn Cattle and Providing Beef That Means Something. See AvailableStarting a Texas Longhorn HerdWe are actively looking for our next retail location!
Whiskey Woods Ranch Mercantile
Thank you all for your overwhelming support, customer loyalty, and more than anything sharing in our belief that our communities deserve high-quality beef at a reasonable price, raised right in Texas! None of this is possible without you.
We are excited to share that because of the enormous amount of sales, love, and feedback we have received we are now scouting for our Whiskey Woods Ranch Merchantile!
The merchantile will be offering Texas Longhorn beef, Texas Longhorn skulls, custom mounted horns and hides, Whiskey Woods Ranch merchandise, Whiskey Woods Ranch custom leather goods, Texas Longhorn memorabilia, and much more.
The exact location has yet to be determined but we will keep everyone posted!
It is our mission to feed health-conscious Americans high-quality Local Beef without ever taking a shortcut.
We provide beef exclusively from Texas Longhorn cattle that have been raised with the highest standard of love and care. We know it is important to you to support your local farmers and ranchers. Whiskey Woods Ranch is passionate about improving our neighbor’s health-conscious diet and adding an unmatched level of freshness and flavor to every meal.
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Our main business is land conservation and the health and happiness of our Longhorns. This shop enables us to do this and your support is invaluable to this mission.
what’s new
“The Texas Longhorn has made more history than any other breed of cattle”. – Frank Dobie (1941), The Longhorns.

A Texas family ranch built on passion, Texas Longhorns with Pedigree, and Texas land with heritage.
Located on multiple ranches in Texas, we are dedicated to producing top-of-line Texas Longhorn cattle for breeding and providing beef exclusively from Texas Longhorn cattle raised with the highest standard of love and care.
Longhorn Cattle
Devoted to a basic concept: use traditional cattle management practices while focusing on producing superior genetics and confirmation.
Longhorn Beef
Texas Longhorn is known for producing lean beef of exceptional tenderness and exquisite flavor. We allow our cattle to grow naturally in order to maximize the superior meat qualities intrinsic to the Texas Longhorn breed.
News & Events
Stay up to date on information about important topics and upcoming & recent events. Here we also share news and features of life on the farm.
Texas Longhorns
Time-tested pedigrees.
Superior Genetics.
Whiskey Woods Ranch consistently produces and develops some of the most highly recognized Texas Longhorns by matching proven maternal genetics with the industry’s leading sires excelling in horn, color, consistency, and confirmation.
Whiskey Woods Ranch is owned and operated by the Hartline and Silva families.
Texas Longhorn Beef
Superior flavor.
Exceptional quality.
Our cattle at Whiskey Woods Ranch are pasture-raised in the fresh air and sunshine of Texas. They are grass-fed from nutrient-rich local hay we grow and source ourselves, which produces an unparalleled flavor in the beef.
On our family-owned and operated ranch, we share the value of traditional farming methods that prioritize the health and wellness of our animals. We believe the best beef comes from animals that are well cared for, and we work hard to provide the highest quality meat directly from our pastures to your plate.
View the Full Herd
News & Events

The Texas Longhorn: A Chapter in American History
The history of the Texas Longhorn is deeply rooted in American folklore, tradition, and symbolism. This amazing breed is as symbolic as ever.

Onondaga County Agriculture Council meet at Albanese Longhorns to Promote Local Farms and Businesses
Members of the Onondaga County Agriculture Council met at the Albanese Longhorns Farm on Thursday for their annual “Buy Local. Buy Onondaga Grown” campaign — a campaign designed to get the community to support their local farms and businesses.
our Ranch Family
Whiskey Woods Ranch was born from the idea of life-long friends Jason Hartline and Sergio Silva. Together they dreamed of owning a ranch that raised Texas Longhorns with heritage, beef that meant something to the communities it fed, and embodying American Frontier traditions.
Connect with Whiskey Woods Ranch
Interested in owning a Texas Longhorn, purchasing beef directly from Whiskey Woods Ranch, or just want to stay updated on Ranch news? Reach out!